Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Going to the Chapel...

Seeing that about 90% of our guests would be coming from out of town, one of the most important things to me and the boy is convenience to our guests. Oh also, Jay and I are are Jewish and Christian, so finding something that suit both of us was definitely a concern. So when we found the UMUC Memorial Chapel - which is 30 minutes from three major airports, it was ideal, in theory...we still had to see it.

(photo courtesy of UMUC Memorial Chapel)

It's gorgeous! Simple, open, and stunning!

I think one of my favorite things about it is that it's used for all the religious services on campus so it's not overly ornate or covered in crucifixes or other religious whatnot :). So it will please both sides of the family.

(photo courtesy of UMUC Memorial Chapel)

However, because it's so simple inside (aside from a fabulous white dome in front) I think we're going to need to add a little decoration... :)

Because the chapel is so popular and is fully-booked, they are really strict about timing and that we're responsible for leaving the place clean when we leave to rock out at the reception. So what's a crafty, paper-loving girl to do?

Thank you, Martha.

(photo courtesy of Martha Stewart Crafts)
How cute will these be lining the pews?
They'll be in navy, cobalt, and light blue and hanging on the end of probably every other pew. Plus, they'll be ridiculously easy to clean up at the end of the ceremony.

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