Sunday, February 28, 2010

PB-O-Coco Cookies

Or at least that's what I'm calling them!

They are also known as "Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Cookies," but personally, I think PB-O-Coco has a little more pizazz.

I've never really been a fan of peanut butter cookies. Which is ironic because it's my personal belief that peanut butter can make just about anything better...especially a spoon and my mouth.

So when I saw the pictures from Brown-Eyed Baker, I thought I might have a hit. When these first came out of the oven, I had my obligatory taste. And, I hate to say it, I wasn't impressed. They seemed a little crumbly and bland, but I figured they weren't bad and would work.

...but I spoke too soon.

Maybe it was all the cookie dough testing, or the fact that they just came out of the over, but a few hours later, after they had a chance to rest, I tried another - you know just to make sure.

It was great!
Soft, with a little bit of chewy, good chocolate to peanut butter ratio, and moist.
Highly recommended.

The Recipe
(copied from Brown-Eyed Baker)

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
1 stick (½ cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature
½ cup creamy peanut butter
½ cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup light brown sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg
½ cup rolled oats
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.

2. Whisk together the flour, baking soda and salt; set aside.

3. On medium speed, cream together the butter, peanut butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar and vanilla extract, about 3 minutes. Add the egg and beat to combine. On low speed, gradually add the flour until just combined. Stir in the oats, and then the chocolate chips.

4. Use a large cookie scoop (3 tablespoons) and drop dough onto prepared baking sheets about 2 inches apart. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the cookies are lightly golden. Cool completely on the baking sheet and then store in an airtight container at room temperature.

To make the toothpick/topper. I used a heart punch and the same cupcake wrapper. The wrapper was a little hard to punch, so I cut off the bottom, double-stick taped it to white paper, then punched the two pieces of paper. I punched a second white heart and double-stick taped a toothpick between the white layer and the purple layer.

Too cute!

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