Friday, August 20, 2010

So True, So True

According to my blog reader, I have 5161 unread blog posts. Since I'm more addicted to blogs than magazines (and I'm totally addicted to magazines), I plan on reading each one.

I'm anal retentive and usually read them in alphabetical order by blog name and then from oldest to newest. But on a quick skim, a post on my WedLoft blog reader caught my eye.

"Attention DIY-ers!!" 

OK, you've got my attention.

I clicked on the link I was pleasantly pleased with this hilarious (and yet so true) flow chart. Originally posted on 100LayerCake, and created by Heather of Heart of Light.

If you're thinking about making everything anything for your wedding (which I fully encourage), this is something you'll want to print out and post above your vanity - or somewhere else where you can see it everyday. 

I loved every second of making my wedding, but be warned...this chart is very accurate...
"Estimate how much time this project will take. Double it..." 

1 comment:

  1. Blogs get crazy. I love heart of light, it is one of my favorites.
    Congrats on the marriage- I wish I had discovered it while you were planning. The wedding invites you created for me were so lovely and creative; I'm sure your wedding was full of fresh, original ideas.
